Fresh from the pages of Fantastic Four, Susan Storm Richards stars in her own limited series - for the very first time] Secrets about her past are revealed that will shake readers' perceptions of the Invisible Woman forevermore] Years ago, Sue undertook an espionage mission for S.H.I.E.L.D. - and now it's up to her to save her former partner from death at the hands of international terrorists] The Invisible Woman must form an unlikely - and uneasy - alliance with another heroine who knows a thing or two about staying hidden... the Black Widow] Together they must comb the alleys and palaces of Madripoor - but what they discover will shake the Invisible Woman to the core and turn her mission upside-down] Collecting: Invisible Woman 1-5

Format :Kitap
Barkod :9781302916978
Yayın Tarihi :0000-00-00
Sayfa Sayısı :112
Boyut :16.83 X 0.64
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : Mark Waid
Yazar   : Luciano Vecchio
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