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Toplam 76 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 20-40 / Aktif Sayfa : 2
The first of Jacques Tardi's graphic novel adaptations of legendary French crime writer Léo Malet s Nestor Burma novels here, Burma avenges the death of an old anarchist friend Paris, 1950s. In this graphic novel adaptation, Nestor Burma's past comes knocking when Belita, a young woman, leads him to the Salpetriere hospital, where he discovers the recently deceased Abel Benoit, an old buddy from his anarchist days. While Burma has chosen to move onto the (more or less) straight and narrow as a private eye,
759 TL.
+18 İçeriklidir The smash-hit, most-talked-about comic of 2021 is back with its second "season" and trade paperback! Collecting the four-issue comic book series Red Room: Trigger Warnings, with tons of extras! In this second Red Room collection, fan-favorite the Decimator presents… The Rat Queens! And unfortunately for them, they’re front and center in the Decimator’s most horrific red room broadcast yet! Also, hoodie horror comes to Red Room by way of the Punkinz: two sociopathic, aspiring red roomers who
858 TL.
In this electrifying graphic novel debut, Polish animator and cartoonist Wojtek Wawszczyk uses magical realism to tell a moving tale of finding light in a life full of darkness. Mirroring the world we live in, the protagonist of this graphic novel comes from a broken home. However, in this case, the term is quite literal. Due to freak accidents at the steelworks where his parents work, his mom is snapped, his dad is flattened. As if that wasn't enough to deal with, one day, he suffers his own life-changin
1155 TL.
The preeminent American political cartoonist's classic reinterpretation of Dante's Inferno as a satirical indictment of capitalism ― as it has never been seen before. Capitalist oligarchs and their minions have been condemned to Hell, but they lead a hostile takeover, throw out Satan, and privatize the Inferno. Operated by a corporate monopoly who maximizes profits and misery, Hell has become the perfect capitalist paradise. Fantagraphics, the premier publisher of cartoon art, presents each page of Young's
1155 TL.
A lone, defenseless pupa has rained down from the sky. An assembly of talking birds and trees agree to protect "Dolly" as it begins to evolve ― but into what? As the humanoid creature starts showing a predilection for flight and music, magical clues start unveiling themselves. Italian award-winning cartoonist Leila Marzocchi's terrifically lush scratchboard drawings are a perfect companion to her witty dialogue and profound storytelling. Nymph gets to the heart of both human and Mother Nature to prove that,
1122 TL.
Mixing incongruous elements of pop culture in a variety of genres, If You Steal is a delightfully idiosyncratic collection of graphic vignettes. Frida Kahlo is a hired killer; Santo, a Mexican wrestling champion, faces his ultimate challenge; the rise and fall of Chet Baker in six pages; the last word on the JFK assassination theories; and much more, all presented in Jason's beguilingly deadpan style.
989.67 TL.
Jason's first full-length graphic memoir about his experiences walking a 500-mile pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiago The Camino de Santiago is a 500 mile, historic pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in Northwestern Spain. It is walked by thousands every year, both Christians and non-believers. To mark his 50th birthday, the brilliant Norwegian cartoonist Jason decided walking the length of the Camino was what he needed to do. On The Camino is Jason's memoir of that trek - 32 days and 500 miles from
824.67 TL.
Cosplayers is cartoonist Dash Shaw's ode to that defining element of fandom. Artfully celebrating both the culture's obvious theatricality and uniquely D.I.Y. beauty, as well as its often awkward conflation of fantasy and reality, Cosplayers explores these delicate psychological balancing acts via a series of interconnected short stories surrounding two young women, Annie and Verti who combine their love of cosplaying with their love of popular culture. A expanded, updated edition to coincide with the relea
659.67 TL.
Hetty survives the bombing of Portsmouth by the Nazis in World War II, only to learn that her soldier husband has been killed on the way back home from North Africa. She must then complete the adoption of her young daughter June alone. A decade later, she gives birth to a bastard daughter, Marguerite. Now Hetty must go before a tribunal to prove that she will be a fit mother. What follows is the story of little Marguerite's childhood in the recovering British naval port and the rural beauty of the Isle of W
989.67 TL.
In the second (and concluding) volume, Nanami had sworn to never see her granddaughter, Aoba, again. A despairing Kiriya had rejected his father, Tokio. Yet now both are traveling with Tokio to Engaru, where Aoba has slept and dreamt of the island of Barbara for seven years. The poltergeist phenomena becomes more intense. Can the dreamer become the dreamed, and the dreamed the dreamer?
1518 TL.
A new edition of Jason's award-winning classic, in which a contract killer is sent back in time to assassinate Hitler This 2008 Eisner and Harvey Award-winning classic, unavailable since 2014, is back in print in a newly designed edition! In this full-colour graphic novel, Jason posits a strange, violent world in which contract killers can be hired to rub out pests - be they dysfunctional relatives, abusive co-workers, loud neighbours or just annoyances in general - and as you might imagine, their services
660 TL.
Fantagraphics Books is proud to present the first volume (of two) of Moto Hagio's Otherworld Barbara, in which Tokio discovers a phantom island named Barbara. Then there's a mysterious and missing geneticist, an eccentric clergyman, a grieving grandmother granted temporary youth, a psychologist killed by a freak tornado. Hagio offers a sci-fi explanation for these seemingly random paranormal elements, and makes it all matter with believable characters in complex and subtle relationships.
1518 TL.
Compared favourably to the work of Alison Bechdel and Harvey Pekar, Joyce Farmer's exquisite and tender recollections of her parents' struggle with old age is re-issued in a paperback edition. Set in Los Angeles in the early '90s, Parker recalls the inexorable decline of her parents' health against a backdrop of wider social unrest. Their affectionate bickering, black humour and tender resignation to fading youth are captured perceptively and truthfully by Farmer, in what is widely regarded as one of the fi
758.67 TL.
Helen, Galler'de kırsal bir toplulukta yaşayan amatör bir kuş gözlemcisi ve doğa bilimcidir. Yerel bir çiftçi Bill, Helen'e bir "oerare kuş" olduğunu söylediğinde; Emrys adlı Emrys, Cuddig çiftliğinde kendini öldürdü, araştırmaya karar verdi. Çiftlikteki köpeklerden biri ona açıklama yoluyla Emrys'in tüylerinin olmadığını ve uçamadığını söyler. Bir çöp kutusundan eski bir kozmetik seti alır ve bunun Emrys'e ait olduğunu keşfeder. Kitâ (TM) içeriğinin envanterini çıkarırken, 12 kalibrelik bir av tüfeği mermi
758.67 TL.
Originally published in hardcover in 2012, The Cartoon Utopia has transcended its graphic novel roots and become to western spirituality and healing what Ram Dass s Be Here Now has been to generations of readers curious about eastern mysticism: A wonderfully accessible entrée to a subject many are curious about but don t know where to start.
824.67 TL.
A true visionary, with a fluid line and an uncanny sense of color and composition, Pazienza's innovative graphic style served up stories that were iconoclastic, outrageous, humorous, and deeply personal, often based on himself and his microcosm of friends and collaborators. Pazienza was a revolutionary cartoonist who ushered an underground sensibility to Italian and European comics, breaking from the more staid tradition of genteel adult (and children's) graphic albums
1155 TL.
Ignataz awards Back in 1984, a rebellious, 17-year old and punked-out Ulli List set out for a wild hitchhiking trip across Italy, from Naples through Verona and Rome, ending up in Sicily. 25 years later, this talented Austrian cartoonist has looked back at that tumultuous summer and delivered a long, dense and minutely observed autobiographical masterpiece.
1319.67 TL.
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Toplam 76 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 20-40 / Aktif Sayfa : 2