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Toplam 76 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 60-80 / Aktif Sayfa : 4
Aleta is kidnapped and Val fights famine in the latest collection of the King Arthur-inspired newspaper strip. Our tenth volume finds our band of heroes making their way back to the Kingdom of Thule by way of Constantinople and Eastern Russia. Soon they are attacked by a tribe of barbarians who kidnap Aleta for the great Dragada Khan who wants to make her one of his wives. After nearly being killed in battle, Valiant returns to his homeland only to find the threat of hunger hovers over Thule. As Val explor
1320 TL.
Arvak the Red Stallion’s first appearance occurs in this volume of the classically illustrative Sunday comic strip, based on the King Arthur myth. The eleventh volume of Fantagraphics award-winning Prince Valiant series concludes our heroes’ adventures in Cornwall, and marks the first appearance of Arvak the Red Stallion. At the Council of Kings, Prince Valiant stands alone in the decision to avoid a ruinous war. Val returns to Aleta, and the two are summoned to Camelot, where Queen Guinevere becomes jealo
1320 TL.
For 35 years, Hal Foster created epic adventure and romantic fantasy in his legendary Sunday strip, Prince Valiant. Realistic in its visual execution and noble in its subject, depicting a time in which the fabled warriors of history and legends fought together for the greater good, it remains one of the great masterpieces of the medium. In this second volume, Prince Valiant helps his father reclaim his throne in kingdom of Thule; fights alongside King Arthur; is made a knight of the Round Table; battles the
1320 TL.
This graphic novel tells unforgettable stories about Afro-Brazilian slaves who rebelled against oppression. Run For It ― a stunning graphic novel by internationally acclaimed illustrator Marcelo d’Salete ― is one of the first literary and artistic efforts to face up to Brazil’s hidden history of slavery. Originally published in Brazil ― where it was nominated for three of the country’s most prestigious comics awards ― Run For It has received rave reviews worldwide, including, in the U.S., The Huffington Po
957 TL.
Scrooge McDuck wants to find the treasure of King Duckapulco, an ancient ruler of a pre-Columbian South American empire. But the King’s ghost demands his vast wealth go only to the pure of heart. Is that why Scrooge and Donald are bringing Huey, Dewey, and Louie along? Beyond “King of the Golden River,” this collection of stories, in English for the first time, includes “Me, Myself, and Why” ― in which Scrooge adopts two aliases to confuse the taxman ― only to develop a real split personality! Plus: The Wil
1155 TL.
Dual graphic narratives by the acclaimed Italian cartoonist demonstrate how the choices our ancestors made dramatically affect generations to come. Silvano Landi is a successful writer who, at the age of 50, sees his family leave him and his life fall apart. Landi's great-grandfather, Mauro, is an anxious soldier being fed to the maw of carnage in the First World War. Alternating between past and present, a psych ward and the bloody trenches, and told through complex clues ― a lone gas station, an apathetic
891 TL.
In this second and final collection of cartoonist Massimo De Vita's epic saga of the legendary Ice Sword, Goofy and Mickey return to that dangerous domain, rejoining the wizard Yor and his dwarf defenders ― first, to battle an old enemy when "The Prince of Mists Strikes Back," then to save the world from a sinister sleeping sickness in "The Sleeping Beauty in the Stars!" Donald Duck guest stars. Full-color illustrations throughout.
1155 TL.
A cross-Atlantic collaboration, Hobo Mom was drawn simultaneously. Both cartoonists’ clean line styles fit together perfectly to tell the story of Tom, who lives a simple life with his pre-teen daughter, Sissy. Her mother, Natasha, who left to hop trains and has become a vagrant, shows up on the doorstep of the family she abandoned years ago. There, Natasha finds an upset husband (who is still deeply in love with her), and a little girl yearning for a mother. Can someone who covets independence settle down?
594 TL.
In this collection of classic comic book stories, Huey, Dewey, and Louie earn a trip to the North Pole in a submarine — and Donald stows away! Fortunately, when they find themselves stranded, Gyro Gearloose invents a flying sled! Then, when Donald announces that he's taking the nephews to South America, he pledges to protect them from all the dangers in "the wildest part of the jungle" — including a sheer mountain cliff, a raging river, and a swarm of crocodiles. But who is saving whom? This book has 170 pa
1155 TL.
Alex and Carole, friends since childhood, are now (literal) partners in crime. But the heist - to steal the Ingres painting The Grande Odalisque from the Louvre in Paris - is too much for the duo to handle, so they bring in Clarence, a bureaucrat’s son with a price on his head by a Mexican drug cartel and, more importantly, an arms dealer. Next is Sam, a stunt motorcyclist and boxer by trade, who proves trigger happy with tranquilizer darts. Using soda can smoke bombs, rocket launchers, and hang gliders, Al
957 TL.
When Uncle Scrooge decides to seek out a safe new place to store his money, he sets his sights on an asteroid. But the asteroid he chooses holds a secret that he wasn't counting on! Then, the Beagle Boys construct an unstoppable mechanical behemoth to crack open Scrooge's Money Bin and steal all his cash in The Paul Bunyan Machine. And, in All at Sea, Scrooge, Donald, and the nephews set sail on a windjammer to collect $10 million in gold - but there be pirates on the high seas! Plus: the oddball inventions
1155 TL.
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 76 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 60-80 / Aktif Sayfa : 4